Deciding to put a loved one into a nursing home is a tough decision. Once you’ve made that decision, then you will face an even tougher decision — which nursing home is the best? Here we will cover how to find the best nursing homes. Selecting a Location First, we […]
You are thinking about calling a personal injury lawyer. But you are still doing your homework about how the process works. Here are the answers to the five most common questions we get from potential new clients. Here’s what to know before calling a personal injury lawyer: 1) Do I […]
Attorney Bart Siniard was asked to speak to UAH nurse practitioner students about avoiding medical malpractice claims. The UAH director of the AGACNP program, Dr. Cheryl Emich said “overwhelmingly, students enjoyed learning about protecting themselves against future lawsuits and declared the lecture given by Mr. Siniard to be the ‘best […]
If you’ve been hurt in a car wreck, you will soon be swamped with paperwork and phone calls. Then, one day when you check the mail, you receive a letter saying there is a “hospital lien” involved in your claim. Most people panic…
We had to do it again. Give a client a piece of bad news. All because she didn’t know one easy tip related to her own car insurance.